Ok but what is lightwork? Why for the new moon?
In so many different cultures there are references to a balance between two sides: yin and yang, dark and light, good and evil. We all need balance within us. Carl Jung coined the term 'shadow' and used it in reference to hidden parts of our being. Very broadly speaking it doesn't necessarily mean it's something negative, but our shadow is like subconscious clutter - things that get in our way and prevent us from being the best version of ourselves that we can be, and the things that we generally hide from others - our fears, insecurities, vulnerabilities etc. There is a great article about it here if you want to read a little more and understand it better. There is a parable I heard on 'The One You Feed' podcast which for me summs this up very well.
A grandfather is talking with his grandson. The grandfather says, “In life, there are two wolves inside of us which are always at battle. One is a good wolf which represents things like kindness, bravery, and love. The other is a bad wolf which represents things like greed, hatred, and fear”. The grandson stops and thinks about it for a second then he looks up at his grandfather and says, “Grandfather, which one wins?” The grandfather replies, “The one you feed.”
From my perspective I think of shadow work as facing the shadows that lurk in the corners of my psyche - facing the bad wolf, trying to understand it and tame it. I face my shadows head on during the full moon, which is a time for letting go. Light work is the opposite. It's about feeding your good wolf. Filling your soul with things that light you up so you shine like the diamond you are. I like to do this during the New Moon, which is a time for intention setting and manifesting - it's like a blank slate. I like tying my rituals in with the phases of the moon because it gives me a sense of time passing and makes me feel more in tune with nature because in our chaotic world of disconnection, stress and screens I firmly believe that anything that can keep us in touch with and in tune with nature can only be good for our mental health. Often when I sit down to try and write about things like this my mind instantly goes blank, so I've written a bunch of journal prompts for myself, and thought I would share them with you.
Here are some journal prompts for you to think about while doing your own light work
Where do I want to be in a year?
How do I feel about achieving my dream life?
What does intuition feel like within me
Say out loud ‘Everything I need is already within me’. How does this make me feel?
What do my boundaries feel like and how do I know if they're being invaded?
How does my dream life smell? How can i incorporate this into my life right now?
By the end of this year I have…
What do the terms 'power' and 'autonomy' mean to me? How do I apply them to my life? How do they move me forward? What I need to rethink or relearn about them?
What is one thing I can do today that will make me wake up excited in the morning?
What are some habits I need to start / stop
How can I embrace my body?
What is one self-care ritual I can bring into each day
What makes my body feel good (and how can I find ways to keep doing it)
How do I want to feel at the end of each day?
What is working well for me right now?
What would totally accepting my body look or feel like?
By the next new moon, I have…
How can I show my inner child more love?
How have I grown as a person since last new moon?
What boundaries do I have that work well, which need adjusting, and what new boundaries do I need to set?
When do I feel happy?
If I imagine my heart what does it look or feel like?
What are 10 things that make me feel good?
What is one of my coolest memories?
How am I feeling about my goals? Are they still in line with my values? Do I need to change or adjust anything? Am I actively doing something to work towards them? If not, why not? and how can I set myself up to make it easier to work towards them? eg putting gym clothes out the night before
What does my perfect day look like? describe it in detail
What do I genuinely love about myself?
This time next quarter I have…
What do I admire most about myself
What is my favourite physical feature
Finish this sentence: I have the right to feel…
What does ‘healthy sexuality’ mean to me?
What elements of nature represent me?
How do I want to feel when I wake up tomorrow? What can I do to help me feel that way?
How am I treating my body?
What does self care mean to me?
What is my greatest strength in this life?
What is one thing my inner child needs?
If I could do anything empowering right now, what would it be?
Write about a magical moment I experienced and what made it so special
What does living a ‘soul-centered’ or 'heart forward' life mean to me
What simple pleasures do I enjoy? How can I arrange my life so I experience more of them more often?
What are 3 ways i might strengthen my self worth (read https://lonerwolf.com/self-worth/ for inspo)
Write down 3 criticisms I have of myself and counteract them with loving affirmations
How do I express myself creatively? Do I give myself enough time to create? How might I make more time to do this?
What aha moments about myself have I had lately?
What lessons has the universe taught me lately??
What was a memorable dream I had and what do I think it means? (definitions can be looked up in a dream dictionary like dreammoods.com)
Describe my ideal self. What is one thing I can do today to bring myself a step closer to embodying it?
What can I do this month to bring me closer to my goals?
What would I like my morning/ evening routine to look like?
What are 5 things I can do to raise my vibe?
What does 'wellbeing' mean to me and how do I want to prioritise my wellbeing?
How can I practise gratitude?
What new skill do I want to learn?
What makes me laugh and how can I arrange my life in such a way that I laugh as often as possible?
Know someone who might be curious about shadow work? It's a bit of an intense journey so why not share this post with them to show them the lighter side of self work?